Frases célebres
viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014
jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014
The Sandy Hook Gun Control False Flag - Sandyhoaxed 2nd Edition
Many Questions surround the Sandy Hook event which is the latest strange
event being used as the catalyst for gun control measures across the
1. Where is the Surveillance camera footage? The school installed security cameras at the front door, which should have shown the gunman entering the school- These have never been shown to the public, and have never been addressed by "law enforcement" once. This is similar to the 9/11, Tucson, and Aurora events.
2. Why is it no evidence at all has been shown to the public- not one bloody footprint exiting the school, not one picture from inside the school, not one picture from inside the Lanza's home? In a mass-shooting, there should be some blood, some bodies being taken away from the area, but no pictures show any bodies being taken out of the school. The staging area- tarps show no bodies. Only 3 people were allegedly taken to Danbury Hospital, and none of them have been identified. There is in actually, not ONE person from the crime scene that can say they had an ID on Adam Lanza, because the alleged gunman was wearing a mask.
3. Why was the media so confused about Adam Lanza's mother being a teacher at the school- complete with testimony from a school, nurse saying she knew both Adam and his mother, Nancy and Nancy was "A great teacher" when in fact Nancy had no connection to the school whatsoever, nor did Adam? How could such a huge mistake be made?
4. The "Medical Examiner" Wayne Carver appears to be laughing, knows few details about what actually happened: ex: "How many were boys and how many were girls?" Answer: "I have no idea".
5. Nobody has seen "Adam Lanza" for at least 3 years. "Adam Lanza" has no online fingerprint- no internet posting, no facebook, no twitter, no contact with friends, absolutely nothing. Nobody in town has seen him, his picture does not appear in the yearbook photos and his alleged computer was smashed to pieces so small the FBI couldn't find information on it.
This "disappearance" of Adam Lanza coincides with the "appearance" of Ryan Lanza- Ryan has no history before Adam appeared, "Adam had Ryan's ID on him" etc. In genealogical records- it shows only Adam Lanza as having been born to Peter and Nancy, no record of Any Ryan. It appears that Ryan is in fact Adam Lanza- having changed his name, his social acquaintances after going to college.
The Photoshopped images of "Adam" are obviously taken from Ryan. Very few people ever report seeing the two brothers together- in fact, only 1.
6. Peter and Ryan Lanza have not spoken on camera since this event has happened. Peter is one of the only people who has claimed to see Adam Lanza's body, but we don't even know if Peter is alive at this point- there are just a few old pictures of him, and no follow ups whatsoever.
Ryan has also not spoken since this event.
8. ID badges were seen on many of the participants in this event- plain clothes people who appear to be participating in a mock-terror drill- other videos go into more detail on this, such as this one, beverages were provided, signs saying "everyone must check int" were seen, and people were wearing ID tags:
9. The RIP Victoria Soto Facebook page appeared 4 days before the shooting happened:
10. Many of the most "influential" and "high profile" parents from Newtown are Musicians and Actors, most of the "aspiring" the exact kind of people who crave the limelight and might be willing to do anything for fame and a payoff.
11. Many of the main families involved in this event recently moved to Sandy Hook in the last few years.
12. Where is the "hero janitor" Rick Thorne who supposedly ran at Adam Lanza and told him to put his gun down? Rick Thorne hasn't been interviewed one time- strange for the biggest hero of this event.. A man who was lucky enough to run right into a crazed gunman's face, tell him to put his gun down and survive is about as far-out as any story could be.
13. Why are many of the "family members" involved in this event seen laughing and making jokes right after their "loved ones are brutally murdered"? It is ridiculous to think that entire families would be smiling and laughing- not shedding any tears over their lost loved ones so soon after they were killed.
14. Why was Robbie Parker asking for donations on the day of this alleged shooting? Doesn't a family member usually grieve for their loved one right after an event like this, not rush to put together donation pages to get as much money as possible?
How much money will the "Sandy Hook Families" be receiving in "compensation"- and how much money will others be making after being hired to work for people such as Michael Bloomberg, like Stephen Barton did after Aurora?
1. Where is the Surveillance camera footage? The school installed security cameras at the front door, which should have shown the gunman entering the school- These have never been shown to the public, and have never been addressed by "law enforcement" once. This is similar to the 9/11, Tucson, and Aurora events.
2. Why is it no evidence at all has been shown to the public- not one bloody footprint exiting the school, not one picture from inside the school, not one picture from inside the Lanza's home? In a mass-shooting, there should be some blood, some bodies being taken away from the area, but no pictures show any bodies being taken out of the school. The staging area- tarps show no bodies. Only 3 people were allegedly taken to Danbury Hospital, and none of them have been identified. There is in actually, not ONE person from the crime scene that can say they had an ID on Adam Lanza, because the alleged gunman was wearing a mask.
3. Why was the media so confused about Adam Lanza's mother being a teacher at the school- complete with testimony from a school, nurse saying she knew both Adam and his mother, Nancy and Nancy was "A great teacher" when in fact Nancy had no connection to the school whatsoever, nor did Adam? How could such a huge mistake be made?
4. The "Medical Examiner" Wayne Carver appears to be laughing, knows few details about what actually happened: ex: "How many were boys and how many were girls?" Answer: "I have no idea".
5. Nobody has seen "Adam Lanza" for at least 3 years. "Adam Lanza" has no online fingerprint- no internet posting, no facebook, no twitter, no contact with friends, absolutely nothing. Nobody in town has seen him, his picture does not appear in the yearbook photos and his alleged computer was smashed to pieces so small the FBI couldn't find information on it.
This "disappearance" of Adam Lanza coincides with the "appearance" of Ryan Lanza- Ryan has no history before Adam appeared, "Adam had Ryan's ID on him" etc. In genealogical records- it shows only Adam Lanza as having been born to Peter and Nancy, no record of Any Ryan. It appears that Ryan is in fact Adam Lanza- having changed his name, his social acquaintances after going to college.
The Photoshopped images of "Adam" are obviously taken from Ryan. Very few people ever report seeing the two brothers together- in fact, only 1.
6. Peter and Ryan Lanza have not spoken on camera since this event has happened. Peter is one of the only people who has claimed to see Adam Lanza's body, but we don't even know if Peter is alive at this point- there are just a few old pictures of him, and no follow ups whatsoever.
Ryan has also not spoken since this event.
8. ID badges were seen on many of the participants in this event- plain clothes people who appear to be participating in a mock-terror drill- other videos go into more detail on this, such as this one, beverages were provided, signs saying "everyone must check int" were seen, and people were wearing ID tags:
9. The RIP Victoria Soto Facebook page appeared 4 days before the shooting happened:
10. Many of the most "influential" and "high profile" parents from Newtown are Musicians and Actors, most of the "aspiring" the exact kind of people who crave the limelight and might be willing to do anything for fame and a payoff.
11. Many of the main families involved in this event recently moved to Sandy Hook in the last few years.
12. Where is the "hero janitor" Rick Thorne who supposedly ran at Adam Lanza and told him to put his gun down? Rick Thorne hasn't been interviewed one time- strange for the biggest hero of this event.. A man who was lucky enough to run right into a crazed gunman's face, tell him to put his gun down and survive is about as far-out as any story could be.
13. Why are many of the "family members" involved in this event seen laughing and making jokes right after their "loved ones are brutally murdered"? It is ridiculous to think that entire families would be smiling and laughing- not shedding any tears over their lost loved ones so soon after they were killed.
14. Why was Robbie Parker asking for donations on the day of this alleged shooting? Doesn't a family member usually grieve for their loved one right after an event like this, not rush to put together donation pages to get as much money as possible?
How much money will the "Sandy Hook Families" be receiving in "compensation"- and how much money will others be making after being hired to work for people such as Michael Bloomberg, like Stephen Barton did after Aurora?
martes, 12 de agosto de 2014
"Promises" (Promesas) 2002
Viven sólo a veinte minutos de distancia entre sí pero habitan en mundos radicalmente diferentes, son vecinos y enemigos. Son 7 niños palestinos e israelíes de entre 9 y 13 años que un día decidieron atreverse a conocerse... Este documental fue el resultado... "Promises" (Promesas) 2002 Un multipremiado trabajo a nivel internacional que devuelve la esperanza en el ser humano.
lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014
Psicología del Dinero (vídeo)
vídeo muy educativo y interesante (de Proyecto G 3, emitido por Canal Encuentro de Argentina) sobre la psicología del dinero: ¿Cuánto valen las cosas para nosotros? ¿Qué elementos nos determinan si algo es caro o barato? ¿Cuánto estamos dispuestos a pagar por un determinado producto? Para contestar a estas preguntas, Proyecto G 3 se apoya en los resultados de las últimas investigaciones de la economía del comportamiento, cuyo máximo exponente actual (o como mínimo el más mediático) es Dan Ariely.
Benjamín Fulford y David Wilcock en la TV Rusa: La derrota de la Cábala está cerca.
Lo que todo mundo estaba esperando, que por fin todos los secretos de
los gobiernos oscuros que estaban ocultos al pueblo salieran a la luz,
pero no en internet (ya que ahí ya todos lo sabemos) si no que a nivel público.
Todos se han preguntado porque Rusia no hace nada para defenderse de las agresiones causadas por los gobiernos de EE.UU. y Europa, sin ningun motivo, engañando a la opinión publica mundial por medio de los medios de comunicación, haciendo creer que Rusia es la culpable de todo lo sucedido hasta estos momentos.
Tal vez porque Rusia ya sabe que el gobierno mundial (la cabala) esta en sus últimos días, y sabe que estos gobiernos nesecitan de urgencia una nueva guerra mundial para seguir subsistiendo.
Y por eso el gobierno de Rusia por fin abre las puertas a la verdad, como nunca antes se había visto, por primera vez en todo el mundo una cadena de TV publica saca un programa de 3 horas de duración con los ya reconocidos Benjamin Fulford y David Wilcock diciedo las verdades que muchos ya conocemos pero que millones ni siquiera se lo imaginan.
Más de 21 millones de espectadores de Rusia y países vecinos observaron el impresionante programa de REN-TV donde Benjamin Fulford y David Wilcock, revelan la inminente derrota del Nuevo Orden Mundial.
Este documental de tres horas que se transmitio a las 8 PM se reveló cómo 26 bases subterráneas fueron misteriosamente destruidas entre el 22 de agosto de 2011 y enero 2012.
Los rusos exploran verdades incómodas con nuevos detalles y claridad notable, incluyendo la transferencia de los científicos nazis a América después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en el marco del Proyecto Paperclip.
Nunca antes una importante serie de televisión reveló tan a fondo la alianza internacional que se ha formado para rodear y derrotar a la Cábala.
Se discute una épica demanda de miles de millones de dólares de Neil Keenan contra las Naciones Unidas y otras entidades de la Cabala, así como los propios esfuerzos de Fulford para organizar los esfuerzos de resistencia.
Aprenda cómo el yo de la Reserva Federal creó deliberadamente la Primera Guerra Mundial y la Segunda para apoderarse de oro del mundo - y crear un suministro ilimitado de "dinero burbuja" que podría ser impreso de la nada.
El documental, en última instancia no llega a nombrar a los BRICS - Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica - como la cara pública de esta nueva alianza en contra de la Reserva Federal. Esta alianza aparentemente ahora abarca la mayoría de todos los países del mundo.
El personal de REN-TV nos dijo que este espectáculo era muy popular, y que había alcanzando un impresionante rating de 21 millones de espectadores. El documental es rápido y tiene una banda sonora intensa, dramática, con un montón de efectos visuales.
Es posible que desee reír o pensar que todo esto es "una locura" - pero fue tomada en serio como para ser convertida en algo muy importante y especial para ser transmitida en una cadena de TV y que alcanzo un máximo audiencia sorprendente.
Como a menudo ha dicho David, "si vomitas, te sentirás mejor" es una buena analogía para lo que todos debemos aprender para sanar nuestro planeta. Sin conciencia no puede haber una resolución.
En el vídeo destacados dirigentes de la inteligencia rusa exponen abiertamente que el Gobierno Secreto esté manejado por una raza de seres extraterrestres, (sí, lo has leído bien, lo dicen asesores de Putin)
En la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla del vídeo donde dice CC. Tiene que hacer clic en él para activar los subtítulos en inglés o de lo contrario no será visible.
Lamentablemente este grandioso documental no esta traducido al español, pero hay una opción para verlo subtitulado:
Dale click donde dice CC te saldra una ventanita le das en subtitulos en inglés y presionas si, después en la flechita que esta al lado donde dice inglés la precionas y te saldra la opción de traducir subtitulos le das click ahí y te saldra otra ventana ahí buscas subtitulos en español y le das aceptar y listo.
Todos se han preguntado porque Rusia no hace nada para defenderse de las agresiones causadas por los gobiernos de EE.UU. y Europa, sin ningun motivo, engañando a la opinión publica mundial por medio de los medios de comunicación, haciendo creer que Rusia es la culpable de todo lo sucedido hasta estos momentos.
Tal vez porque Rusia ya sabe que el gobierno mundial (la cabala) esta en sus últimos días, y sabe que estos gobiernos nesecitan de urgencia una nueva guerra mundial para seguir subsistiendo.
Y por eso el gobierno de Rusia por fin abre las puertas a la verdad, como nunca antes se había visto, por primera vez en todo el mundo una cadena de TV publica saca un programa de 3 horas de duración con los ya reconocidos Benjamin Fulford y David Wilcock diciedo las verdades que muchos ya conocemos pero que millones ni siquiera se lo imaginan.
Más de 21 millones de espectadores de Rusia y países vecinos observaron el impresionante programa de REN-TV donde Benjamin Fulford y David Wilcock, revelan la inminente derrota del Nuevo Orden Mundial.
Este documental de tres horas que se transmitio a las 8 PM se reveló cómo 26 bases subterráneas fueron misteriosamente destruidas entre el 22 de agosto de 2011 y enero 2012.
Los rusos exploran verdades incómodas con nuevos detalles y claridad notable, incluyendo la transferencia de los científicos nazis a América después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en el marco del Proyecto Paperclip.
Nunca antes una importante serie de televisión reveló tan a fondo la alianza internacional que se ha formado para rodear y derrotar a la Cábala.
Se discute una épica demanda de miles de millones de dólares de Neil Keenan contra las Naciones Unidas y otras entidades de la Cabala, así como los propios esfuerzos de Fulford para organizar los esfuerzos de resistencia.
Aprenda cómo el yo de la Reserva Federal creó deliberadamente la Primera Guerra Mundial y la Segunda para apoderarse de oro del mundo - y crear un suministro ilimitado de "dinero burbuja" que podría ser impreso de la nada.
El documental, en última instancia no llega a nombrar a los BRICS - Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica - como la cara pública de esta nueva alianza en contra de la Reserva Federal. Esta alianza aparentemente ahora abarca la mayoría de todos los países del mundo.
El personal de REN-TV nos dijo que este espectáculo era muy popular, y que había alcanzando un impresionante rating de 21 millones de espectadores. El documental es rápido y tiene una banda sonora intensa, dramática, con un montón de efectos visuales.
Es posible que desee reír o pensar que todo esto es "una locura" - pero fue tomada en serio como para ser convertida en algo muy importante y especial para ser transmitida en una cadena de TV y que alcanzo un máximo audiencia sorprendente.
Como a menudo ha dicho David, "si vomitas, te sentirás mejor" es una buena analogía para lo que todos debemos aprender para sanar nuestro planeta. Sin conciencia no puede haber una resolución.
En el vídeo destacados dirigentes de la inteligencia rusa exponen abiertamente que el Gobierno Secreto esté manejado por una raza de seres extraterrestres, (sí, lo has leído bien, lo dicen asesores de Putin)
En la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla del vídeo donde dice CC. Tiene que hacer clic en él para activar los subtítulos en inglés o de lo contrario no será visible.
Lamentablemente este grandioso documental no esta traducido al español, pero hay una opción para verlo subtitulado:
Dale click donde dice CC te saldra una ventanita le das en subtitulos en inglés y presionas si, después en la flechita que esta al lado donde dice inglés la precionas y te saldra la opción de traducir subtitulos le das click ahí y te saldra otra ventana ahí buscas subtitulos en español y le das aceptar y listo.
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