Frases célebres

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

Keiser Report en español: Cortinas de humo (E1074)

En este episodio de Keiser Report, Max y Stacy hablan de la maniobra de
distracción de la Guerra Fría 2.0: mientras los medios del cinturón
industrial siguen histéricos tras la humillante derrota política de
Hillary Clinton frente a Trump, la élite financiera se llena los
bolsillos con la desregulación y la privatización tras la cortina de
humo de la conspiración rusa. En la segunda parte Max sigue
entrevistando a Michael Pento, de, sobre la deuda y los
impuestos en la era Trump.

martes, 23 de mayo de 2017



miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Michael Moore en Trumpland (en español)

El ganador del Oscar, Michael Moore, se sumerge en el corazón del territorio hostil de TrumpLand con su audaz, profundo y alucinante espectáculo individual. Cuando el espectáculo fue prohibido en la primera ciudad que intentó, Mike se traslada a una comunidad aún mayor de los partidarios de Trump en el irónicamente llamado territorio Clinton, Ohio.
Realizado, rodado y editado semanas antes de las elecciones de 2016, este sincero e hilarante documental es esencial para entender una América dividida. Con un título como "Michael Moore en TrumpLand," el documental seguro que le sorprende, entretenido, indignante e informador de igual medida, no importa por quién vote, esta documental tiene algo para todos.

sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017

¿Quién está detrás del CiberAtaque Global?

Un CiberAtaque a escala global ha sometido a los sistemas de importantes
servidores y puestos locales de las más grandes empresas del planeta…
¿qué mente puede estar detrás de semejante acto?, ¿puede volver a
ocurrir? ¿Cuál fue el origen de todo esto?, ¿Cómo evitar que vuelva a

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

Mind the Matrix FULL FILM EN/NL/ES/DE

Our external reality is an expression of what we have collectively created together and we consider this to be REALITY.
Reality in this case means ‘OUR THOUGHTS REALISED’. So, yes, it is a form of reality indeed.

a lot of the realities we have created are not in harmony with our true
being and planet earth. Western society is a slash and burn reality
where what we take is not given back. This will eventually result in the
exhaustion of resources of our planet.
The way we treat planet Earth is a result of how we treat ourselves and thus others.
We tend to think in a linear way and not in a cyclical way where what goes out comes back in and vise versa:

A dance between our internal eternal spirit and the physical external realm.

is like we have become so mesmerized that we believe that the external
world is all there is. We hang on to it for dear life and since we know
our resources are finite, fear and greed put us into a constant survival
In the mean time our true being is not integrated as much as
is healthy for our wellbeing. It is like we walk around like zombies;
cleverly reflected by the large amount of zombie movies that have come
out over the past 10 years.

The film ‘Mind the Matrix’ looks at
all this and with the help of various experts, hands the viewer tools on
how to get back to our natural state of inner and outer harmony.
is where global change will start. With ourselves. Once we have
rediscovered the nature of who we really are, this will automatically be
reflected outwards. Our ‘reality’ will then be adjusted all by itself.

By remaining focused outwards, we as humans may just get exhausted of trying for change and not seeing any.
Like Mahatma Gandhi said ‘Be the change that you want in the world’.

Please watch the movie and share it with as many people as you feel to.
you speak a foreign language and you would like it to be available in
your country, please contact to suggest
volunteers who can translate the English version.

Enjoy watching.

domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

Keiser Report en español: Pacto con el diablo (E1067)

"El sistema capitalista moderno de EE.UU. bien podría resumirse con el lema: 'o robas o te roban'"
Cuando "la cleptocracia" necesita más riqueza, los bancos centrales
"emiten moneda sin necesidad de construir fábricas", apunta Max Keiser.
¡No se lo pierdan!
En este episodio de Keiser Report, Max y Stacy hablan de las migajas que
reciben los inversores y del colapso de los bancos hipotecarios. En la
segunda parte Max entrevista a Paul Craig Roberts, secretario adjunto
del Tesoro en tiempos de Ronald Reagan, acerca del fracaso del
capitalismo a la hora de rendir cuentas por los costos externalizados.

sábado, 6 de mayo de 2017

HyperNormalisation 2016 BBC documentary by Adam Curtis

HyperNormalisation is a 2016 BBC documentary by British filmmaker Adam Curtis. The film was released on 16 October 2016
wades through the culmination of forces that have driven this culture
into mass uncertainty, confusion, spectacle and simulation. Where events
keep happening that seem crazy, inexplicable and out of control—from
Donald Trump to Brexit, to the War in Syria, mass immigration, extreme
disparity in wealth, and increasing bomb attacks in the West—this film
shows a basis to not only why these chaotic events are happening, but
also why we, as well as those in power, may not understand them. We have
retreated into a simplified, and often completely fake version of the
world. And because it is reflected all around us, ubiquitous, we accept
it as normal. This epic narrative of how we got here spans over 40
years, with an extraordinary cast of characters—the Assad dynasty,
Donald Trump, Henry Kissinger, Patti Smith, early performance artists in
New York, President Putin, Japanese gangsters, suicide bombers, Colonel
Gaddafi and the Internet. HyperNormalisation weaves these historical
narratives back together to show how today’s fake and hollow world was
created and is sustained. This shows that a new kind of resistance must
be imagined and actioned, as well as an unprecedented reawakening in a
time where it matters like never before.

The Power of Nightmares