Frases célebres

miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017


Los defensores de la moneda digital "Bitcoin" aseguran que reduce el
coste de negocios y elimina el riesgo de fraudes. Sin embargo, aún
existe desconfianza desde que en 2014 desaparecieran de la plataforma de
intercambio, 450 millones de dólares en Bitcoins

lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

Green Medicine - Chile's Medical Cannabis Revolution 2015 Documentary

Green Medicine is a new documentary film that gives an insight into the medical cannabis scene in Chile. It follows the story of Daya Foundation, a non-profit organisation, that was granted a licence by the Chilean government to begin Latin America's first legal cannabis grow in 2014.

Does cannabis make a difference to the quality of life of medical patients suffering from a range of illnesses, including epilepsy and cancer?

The documentary team behind Green Medicine: Chile's medical cannabis Revolution spent 6 months following the progress of the medical marihuana debate in the country. The film features numerous interviews and highlights the arguments for and against the legalization of cannabis, for use by medical patients.

Interviews include politicians and members of the Chilean Congress, scientists involved in the research and testing of cannabis extracts for medical use, the founders and growers of the Daya Foundation and the medical patients for whom cannabis has transformed life.

The film was made by Geek Media, directed by Diego Estay and produced by Paradise Seeds.

domingo, 11 de junio de 2017

La Fluorización del Agua Potable y sus efectos (Nuevos Datos)

La Fluorización del Agua Potable y sus efectos (Nuevos Datos)
la asociación FAN (Fluoride Action Network) ha interpuesto una demanda
contra la EPA (Agencia de Protección Ambiental) en el estado de
California (EE.UU.) por fluorizar el agua potable. Aparentemente, esta
práctica de añadir flúor al agua, produce numerosos problemas de salud
en las personas, algo que no se está teniendo en cuenta por parte de los
muchos países que tienen ese hábito de aditivar las aguas potables

viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

Noam Chomsky Power and terror Subtítulos Español

This documentary compiles a series of Noam Chomsky's interviews and lectures that address the events of  9/11.